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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Beep beep... Beep beep, oh its already morning that was the first thing came to my mind... Lazily dragging myself out of the bed, and oh yeah its already Wednesday, going thru the daily routines I slowly walked to the bay door enjoying the cold breeze with a mug of hot steaming milk gazed at my plants and did my usual talking to them ;), its not weird as we (Myself, My brother, Mom and my aunts) do it right from childhood... Time to send K off keys, wallet, ID, Money and helmet check check and check, so what next simple uhhh venture into the kitchen and start doing something comforting mmm, my mind wandering slowly settled on Khandvi...

My mom found this in the microwave cooking book that came along with her microwave, she made this for us I have always helped doing it but have never tried in on my own... It was always on my mind to try and see how it works, so I thought why not today for sure I was all set to face the intricacies of making it, although there is none ;)... Simple and an appetizing one, you can make this in a jiffy and this recipe is a keep indeed...


Gram Flour - 1/2 cup (Besan Flour)
Fresh Yogurt - 3/4 cup
Water - 3/4 cup
Ginger paste - 1 tbsp
Green Chilli - 1 no. pasted
Turmeric Powder - a dash
Asafoetida - a dash (hing)
Salt to taste


Coconut - 3-4 tbsps grated
Coriander - few stalks finely chopped


Oil - 1/4 tsp
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Asafoetida - a dash (hing)


Coriander Leaves
Green Chillies finely chopped
Coconut grated


In a microwave safe bowl sift the gram flour and set aside. Mix Water and Yogurt with Ginger and Green Chilli Paste and pour it lil by lil to the flour whisking all the time not letting any lumps to form. Adjust Salt and add Asafoetida and mix well. Microwave the mixture for 4 minutes removing in between to whisk it well so they dont beome hard at the edges.

Now after 4 min's whisk the mixture well until there are no lumps in the mixture and place it again for another 2 minutes, whisking as you did before. Now you will porcelain plates or silver plates or any glass plate without any decoration on it. I used a porcelain plate, scooped the mixture using a large spoon or spatula and lay it on the plate and roll it or apply it thinly over the plate and let it cool for a while.

Sprinkle Coconut and Coriander leaves on the plate, roll a pizza cutter thru the entire length at about 1 or 1.5 inches apart... Using your fingers roll the dough slowly tucking in the stuffing. In a pan heat Oil and add the Mustard Seeds and Hing and pour it over the rolled dough. Sprinkle some Coconut, Coriander and Chillies over the Khandvi and serve.

Caution: Spread the dough immediately on plates or flat surface, it will harden as they cool and spreading them becomes difficult...

I am sending my Khandvi to

Mahimaa's -- 15 Minutes Cooking

Am sending in my Plantain Chips to Mahimaa's -- 15 Minutes Cooking Sorry Mahimaa, I kinda missed it but Jayasri reminded me of the event and asked me to send it across... Thanks a ton Jayasri...

Shama's -- Mother's Day Special Event


Padma said...

What a lovely dish... never thought that this can be made in a microwave... looks yummy and nice entries :)

KavyaNaimish said...

wooowww...yummmmy..didnt know dat dis is a easy make recipe...will give it a try...

Vishali said...

Hey Ramya....thats an awsome recipe u have whipped up. Looks so appetising for me.

Sakshi said...

I love the second pic with the dark background...that's looking delicious and tempting!!

Parita said...

Wow i love khandvis...thats very easy and fast way to cook it..looks yummy :)

Indhu said...

soo yummy... love the second picture :)

ARUNA said...

lovely dish Lavanya, very delightful!!!

Pavithra Elangovan said...

OH ramya actually i thought of making it today dear..u posted it what a coincidence.

Pooja said...

Looks lovely Ramya..Yummy..

anudivya said...

Talking to plants is not wierd at all :)
It apparently makes them grow well!
Khnadvi's look gorgeous Ramya.

Unknown said...

Looks lovely Ramya..And beautiful presentation..

Vrinda said...

Those looks lovely..never tasted this khandvi,thanx for sharing Ramya

Nandinis food said...

OMG! Khandvi in microwave.....that sounds easy...Gorgeous pics....Great post Ramya....:)

Mangala Bhat said...

wow! new dish to me ..looks yummy Thanks for sharing dear

Unknown said...

wow that s a lovely one you made it so perfect looks yum Ramya

Rush said...

left a thankyou note for you on my blog :)

will definitely try the khandvi next week and let u kno how it comes out!!
looks yumm

Christo Gonzales said...

you are making me want to use tumeric - I love the color it makes everything...these look very tasty and probably a little spicy too.

Ashwini said...

loovely dish..never tried it and never even heard of it..good click!!!

Pooja said...

Wow this looks lovely! I have never tasted this but seeing your post tempts me! Great shots :)

Srilakshmi said...

looks lovely and beautiful pics!

Priya Suresh said...

Prefectly prepared khandvi, looks amazing!

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

Gosh-thanks for reminding me.I haven't made khandvi in ages. I've just been reading so many blogs with recipes that I haven't made in ages-let's see how many I can manage to make ;-) said...

I've never had this before. U seem to shell out some awesome recipes. nice.

Gita Jaishankar said...

Great dish Ramya...This is new to me....very interesting, looks delicious too :)

Priyameena said...

My fav ramya...Looks totally yummy...Beautiful click..

Lavanya Siva said...

hey ramya, first time to your place (Blog). Really enjoyed browing your wonderful recipes. This recipe just sounds perfect and good clicks too....

kittymatti said...

Aaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaah, Looks yummy yummy yummy!!!

Renus Kitchen said...

I want to eat it from your plate:)) its so yummy

Bhawna said...

Who can say no to khandavi? Not a winner in making them. But still going to try again...

Varsha Vipins said...

Such a pretty dish..remmeber seeing it at Soma's yum Ramya..:)

Suparna said...

Hi Ramya,
Hmmm. wandering mind often picks up some interesting thoughts more than often :) what a pick! looks great and well presented. sure it's a light snack/starter....can be a meal for me ;)
Thanks for the recipe. The banana chips look really well prepared in the previous post. Love home made junkies and snacks any day compared to stre brought.
I tried ur mango kulfi...It was mind blowing thanks dear.I wanted to click snaps for T&T but many eager taste buds overpowered any other action or thought :)

Lavanya said...

lobely dish..that too in microwave...too easy making...sounds good!!

chef and her kitchen said...

Love this....Looking perfect lol..

Sujatha said...

looks so good Ramya! its amazing to see it come out so well in microwave! I'm going to try this soon...

vidhas said...

I love this, surely will try, looks tempting and inviting.

jayasree said...

Absolutely gorgeous. It has come out so well. I too tried from the MW cookbook. Somehow i didnot get slices perfectly to roll up.
You have done like a Pro.

Uma said...

Wow, pretty dish! I can tell they tasted delicious too :) Yum!

Jaya M said...

wow! looks so delicious ...i guess i can have all :))..
hugs and smiles

gtyuk said...

I have never tasted this but it sounds delicious, lovely color too:)
talking to plants is normal :)(When I was in th std. a teacher said that therewas a drumstick tree in her house and it didn't give her enough drumsticks and so she used to shout at the tree complaining that it was a waste etc. and from that day onwards, it gave her so many drumsticks.... how far it is true God only know, hehehe)
but this is to tell you that you're absolutely not weird...

Sharmila said...

I love khandvi ... nice of you to share the recipe. :-)

Chef Jeena said...

This sounds so delicious and it looks great too I would love to try it. :-)

Finla said...

I love your moring routine sounds so relaxing.
I have never had kandavi, only strted knowing aobut the dish after i started blogging.
Looks delicous and love the colour.

Kalai said...

Yummy and colorful dish.Bookmarked !!
Pic looks gr8.

TBC said...

I would never have thought of khandvi as a 15-min dish. Looks very nice.

Kalyani said...

wow a very new dish to me . it looks great & can be made in the microwave ... that looks cool ... thanks ramya ....

Indian Khana said...

Looks so gud Ramya..lovely pic

Shreya said...

i've never had this.looks splendid!

Ashwini said...

Wow looks delicious and yumm. Very tempting.

Renuka said...

Wow..looks the yellow color...

lissie said...

beautiful pictures! this is something new to me..the recipe sounds delicious!

AnuSriram said...

That looks inviting! The photo is too good ramya.. Infact, it makes me drool!

Lisa Turner said...

I've never made anything quite like this, but some of my favorites are in here. Lovely dish.

Vikis Kitchen said...

Kandhvi in MW amazes me . That's a neat trick to do an elaborate dish in 15 mins.
Love the part u talk with plants. I too dear.

Vani said...

Wow! A nuked version of khandvi! and it looks perfect! Nice one, Ramya :)

Ekta said...

Hi Ramya! I have never eaten this before but you make it sound so easy and look so delicious - so I have to try it out. :)

Pooja said...

Thanks Ramya for your lovely words. Reg your doubt abt Phyllo-Phyllo dough is paper thin sheets of raw dough made with flour, water and small amounts of oil. It can be obtained from the frozen section of stores. Its different from Puff pastry which is made with flour, lots of butter and other ingredients. Its said that making phyllo dough is a long process and hence its best to buy from stores(frozen section).

Myvegfare said...

hi, ramya this is something new to me...., i will try it out some time & i have never used my microwave except for reheating or doing microwave chips..., some day i will into the world of microwave cooking is think ... !!. hope so...., the clicks are really good...

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

Microwave food and so nice! Wow - You are an artist! Have to follow your blog...

Lakshmi said...

This is something I have not tried, though I have been seeing this since I entered blogworld. I got tempted by your pics :)

Archana Vivek said...

Wow..looks awesome Ramya. Very nice photography too:-)

Unknown said...

i like the pic very much.. looks bright and colorful with green specks.. i have never tried this. will do sometime.

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Wow that looks fantastic. Looks bright and colorful. Nice click.

Laavanya said...

I've always loved how pretty and delicate this looks and have been meaning to try them... so it takes only 15 mins? Cool!
P.S. I talk to plants too.

Me & More ... said...

Lovely starters...looks yummy too...

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for the entry Ramya!

sangeeta said...

my hubby loves khandvi n dhokla........he has been asking me to make it soon.......nice post.

Unknown said...

Visiting your site for the first time..Nice Post and awesome pics!

I do not have a microwave. Can you suggest alternate means to make them.

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