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Friday, April 24, 2009

Doodh Peda

Oh yeah, all your screams are audible to me… I had decided not to make any more sweets atleast for another few days but its so ruled that I make some yum yum yummy treats. Ok we all know the drill to make Doodh Peda’s… As a child I was so much into interior designing (I acquired this from my Papa) and cooking shows (definitely from Mamma), hope you all know about Good Food Guide show, Rupa Gulati and ofcourse Tarla Dalal… Those were the days when I used to sit with Mom and watch those shows and that lil voice behind saying “Mommy see what she is doing”, “See how she is doing” and then I expected her to make nice delectable dishes… She did manage to satisfy everyone, a house full of people with different taste and different time they choose to eat…

I still remember, the oven that Mom used to have that Ol’ one with all the lil accessories for making cake and we (myself and my Brother) used to help her make Cakes, cookies and Veg. puffs(she makes just like the store bought ones) and wait to get the last lick of the mixing bowl :) Days haven’t changed yet; even today we take pleasure in licking the bowl, a lil fight as to who gets the bowl and the spatula… She has taught even my aunts daughters how to cook and the irony lies her she let go of me… I call her to find out recipes most of the days :) and also remember to peek into my lil note in which I took note of the recipes that I watched when I was young and today I came across this nice Sweet lil pedas.

Now, you will ask me this why I had to make sweets in spite of the oath. We are visiting a friend/relative of ours, and I take immense pleasure in adding a personal touch to whatever I take but I had very little time to really think and make something so I iterated thru my lil book and found this…

For more pictures from my kitchen visit My Other Blog


Milk Powder – 2 cups
Condensed Milk – 1 can (14 OZ)
Butter – ½ cup
Saffron – few strands
Water – 2 tsps
Raisins – few
Pistachio – few
Baking Cups
Food Color – few drops (optional)


1.Take a large wide mouthed microwave safe bowl and heat Butter just until it melts, it took 40-45 sec, cos I left the Butter out in the morning when I started in the afternoon it was came down to room temp.
2.Now add both the Condensed Milk and Milk Powder and heat for 2 – 3 mins stir in between a couple of times.
3.Heat Water and add Saffron. Mix with the dough and Microwave for a 2 more mins
4.Cool for 5 mins they will become like chappathi dough now roll them into your desired shapes.
5.Press in Raisins or Pistachios or any desired nuts or sprinkles.

Note: You can divide the dough and mix with Food Color and make desired shapes.

It took less than 15mins for me to make this, simple and tasty...

Doodh Peda goes to:

Mahimaa's -- 15 Minutes Cooking and

Srivalli's -- Mithai Mela


kittymatti said...

fantastic! They look so fresh and yummy! Im going to buy condensed milk this weekend, will surely make it! I love pedas

Christo Gonzales said...

dude, this doodh looks great....I wish I could taste the delicious things you post....

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

girl, just pass the plate.. i wanna have it. these pedas look gorgeous and thx for sending this to my event dear.....

kittymatti said...

could you tell me how much 1 can of condensed milk weighed? I mean how many oz or how many cups? Just wanna make sure b4 i buy...

Pooja said...

Wow the pedas look yummy and tempting..Makes me want to have it right from the picture! Simple and easy recipe..have never tried it myself. Will give this a shot for sure :)

Lavanya said...

peda looks amazing ramya..nic pic too,you did it like a pro..that too within 15 min..we can complete..i will surely try it !!

Savi-Ruchi said...

what a coincidence, I happened to prepare doodh peda yesterday & I see awesome pictures here today :p
I had no clue that it could be prepared in microwave, thanks for sharing. awesome clicks.

Priya Sriram said...

They look absolutely gorgeous Ramya! beautifully presented!! I def. have ti try this!! :)

Nandinis food said...

Wow peda in Microwave! wonderful ! Amazing! Nice clicks! Peda looks perfect.

Padma said...

Ramya...Pedas look fantastic and beautiful presentation !!!

chef and her kitchen said...

Ramya.....I am just drooling over...lovely peda's..

Unknown said...

Presentation of pedas looks amazing... wish I could grab some. Very nice entry..

Sakshi said...

My god I get this feeling that I might at last gain some weight after peeking at all those sweets on blogs...I drool on them for hours.

The pedas are looking so beautiful and thats some lucky relatives you are going to meet... have a great weekend

Sujatha said...

Gorgeoues Pedas Ramya! and its amazing to know that you made them in microwave! Will try this soon..

Srilakshmi said...

Gorgeous looking pedas! Awesome pics!

VineelaSiva said...

The pedas looks yummy and delicious.Will u please tell me wr we get the milk powder.

Pooja said...

Awesome pics..Yummy pedas Ramya...

lubnakarim06 said...

Wow doodh peeda looks completely yum...Love the presentation....

Jaya M said...

absolutely yummy ..
Milk powder, is it nestle or any other brand? do let me know..
will try it out soon..
hugs and smiles

Unknown said...

Gal, you made it like a pro! So when are u visiting me! So that i can have some of ur beautiful creations!!

Priya Suresh said...

Just drooling rite now here, u did so beautifully Ramya, lovely presentation..u r tempting me to try out today, am just controlling myself..hehe!

Malar Gandhi said...

Love ur pictures so much. Looks very professional. Peda looks too good.

Malar Gandhi said...

Love ur pictures so much. Looks very professional. Peda looks too good.

Vishali said...

Ramya dear u are seriously tempting me with those sweet and cute looking pedas. pass me some :).

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saritha said...

U rock dear, great clicks and great peda:)

Gita Jaishankar said...

Wow they look so delicious, I am drooling over your pics :)

Avisha said...

Thanks a lot for visting my site and the wonderful comments.Thanks again for sending me the link to the other site,I will definately try to send in something for the event.As a matter of fact I will let Mahima know about that too.
Now for your recipe Simply mouthwatering,great pic and am surely going to make these Pedas.Its on my first priority list.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Vibaas said...

ramya, i can finish all of them under 15 mins as well. they look tooooo yummy! :)

Vrinda said...

Wow ..looks so yummy and delicious Ramya...i never trid peda at home,pretty presentation...

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

hey ramya, thanks for letting your friends know of my event. that is so sweet of you..... thanks again dear.

Parita said...

Absolutely delicious and so simple, love your presentation

Priyameena said...

Hey ramya Peda looks absolutely delecious..I do love watching cooking shows when I was kid..Interested in interoir designing..I guess this is also one of the gemini's traits :)

Unknown said...

wow.. looks really tempting & delicious.. nice clicks..

Deepa Hari said...

Pedas look perfect and gorgeous Ramya....Lovely clicks...very inviting.

Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Ramya, I like these. Yes, they're quick and easy, but they're elegant looking too. Ooh, and I bet they sure do taste good. Thank you for the great recipe.

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Quick and easy one. Looks perfect. Nicely presented.

Finla said...

Looks so so delicious, my daughter love this sweet.

Raaga said...

of course you should be proud to take such stuff... they look divine.

Jaishree Iyer said...

Wow! Pedas look absolutely gorgeous Ramya! love your presentation..Nice click dear...

Ammu said...

Lovely presentation. Looks perfect & easy to make.

vidhas said...

Ramya, this is my favourite, i have not imagined it will be so simple to make, thanks for the recipe dear.
Thanks for the links too,

Pavithra Elangovan said...

wow ramya thats looking so delicious dear... Good entry for the event.. arrangement is perfect.. Love doodh peda too... Shall i have one?

Ashwini said...

Wow so tempting. Awesome photos. Nice entry. Can have them all.

Vegetarian Zest said...

I love pedas. The pic looks great.

Shama Nagarajan said...

Those peda's are tempting me..lovely click....

UjjU said...

WoW! What a delight to the eyes & tummy. Those pedas are looking so good. I know your family must've enjoyed relishing them.

Suparna said...

Hi Ramya,
G O D! Those are highly sinful! gimme the whole tray and I could finish them up all! They look professionally done! kudos to the finishing dear :)
Actually am planning to make shrikhand...then I remembered ur aamkhand post came here to refer before I take the plunge :) Thanks

Suparna said...

Hi Ramya,
G O D! Those are highly sinful! gimme the whole tray and I could finish them up all! They look professionally done! kudos to the finishing dear :)
Actually am planning to make shrikhand...then I remembered ur aamkhand post came here to refer before I take the plunge :) Thanks

Purva Desai said...

Quick and easy version of pedhas......they look rich and very eye catching colour

Vanamala Hebbar said...

Nice recipe..will try your method

UjjU said...

It was my first try Ramya & believe me I was surprised the way the buns turned out finally :) Will make them more often from now on. :)

Unknown said...

ooohhh wow looks so perfect and so beautiful that to in 15 min, hunnnn intresting

Laavanya said...

I took this over for a dinner party too and loved it's simplicity and ease of preparation coupled with the yummy taste.

Dhanya said...

Looks so yummy yaar. I also make similar version,but your looks colorful and inviting. Good one Rem's.

Renuka said...

The peda looks yummy and so easy to make...

Uma said...

OMG! Look at those beauties! Well presented and mouth-watering Ramya! Why don't you visit me and bring these yummy goodies with you :) I will cherish those!

ARUNA said...

wow looks sooooooo delish Ramya..................pls pass one to me!!!!!!!!!

Le @HC said...

15 minutes and a wonderful dessert.. Thats all i need to satisfy my sudden sweet tooth.. Nice pics, Ramya. said...

Hey they look just like those from the mithaiwala. love the recipe. Have bookmarked it.

Kalyani said...

Looks wonderful sweet .. i love sweets ...thanks for the post ..

Vikis Kitchen said...

I thought it will be a very laborious task to make this doodh peda. Thanks for sharing this yummy way. Eager to try this . Even I have forgotten my challenge to loose weight. ha ha ha.

sowjanya said...

oh my my I'm drooling over. doodh peda in 15 mts! surprising. I'm gonna surely try it out ramya.

Varsha Vipins said...

Oh..never knew it was so easy Ramya..woww..yum n thanks dear.:)

KonkaniBlogger said...

Wow, who can say no to pedhas and that too so well-presented ?? Really cool Ramya.

gtyuk said...

delicious sweet and neatly presented like in the sweet shops and even better :)

Shama Nagarajan said...

hai..have a gift for you..please do collect it

Shama Nagarajan said...

hai..have a gift for you..please do collect it

FH said...

WOW! I love Doodh peda, making in MW is even faster and looks so cute in there! :)

Mangala Bhat said...

wow! nice recipe nice pics :)

Bong Mom said...

This platter looks so so good. Will make it, not tried this version

Chutneytales said...

Oh my god!!The pedas look very pretty!I love milk sweets..I have never made doodh peda at home..Now you have inspired me to make these!!

kittymatti said...

kalakite ya! The pedas came out well! I liked it.. it took about 8 min however... very nice recipe dear...thnx!

Sailaja Damodaran said...

summer has started must bookmark this!!!!!!!

AnuSriram said...

Wow!!!.. ramya, i'm drooling over ur pedas. Looks inviting!

lissie said...

Hi Ramya, awesome pedas...beautiful pictures!
You have a nice blog!

Sophie said...

I'm sure your friend will love these :)! I find any excuse to make sweets!

Chitra said...

wow, pedhas looks absoultely perfect and yumm, have bookmarked urs.I have tried on stove top but not in mw.sure will try this:)

Prema Sundar said...

Pedas look lovely. I do it the same way and have one in my blog too.They sure are easy to make.

Renus Kitchen said...

this is my favorite peda!!!! good work

Me & More ... said...

Yumm... I will do it sure.......Me and My Hubby love peda ... and U have done a great job......Thanks for sharing the recipe with us.

Unknown said...

This looks so good...I am always searching for Microwave Sweet Recipes.

Cham said...

They are gorgeous ur pedas! Nice blog with delicious recipes!

Namratha said...

These look great Ramya, and simple recipe too. You have a nice space here.

Usha said...

Pedha looks absolutely lovely !

Unknown said...

First time here Ramya.I love doodh pedas..Urs look tempting!!
I never knew they are so easy to make.

Preeti Singh said...

OOO myyyy..... its looking sooo perfect...wait let me bookmark it first :D .... I never knew it is so simple to i am surely going to try my hand on it..thanks for sharing..

ammu said...

soopar me..nethu thaan panninen..ippa unga peda paathathum inikkum pananum pola irukku..yu have a lvly blog ramya..


Anupama said...

Your pedas look perfect and mouth-watering Ramya!!!

Unknown said...

Looks wonderful

Anupama said...

Hi Ramya,
Thanks for coming over to my blog. And these Dudh Pedhas have kind of answered my prayers. I have been searching high and low for a good pedha recipe. I am making these as soon as I get the condensed milk. Thanks a ton for this recipe

Guna's kitchen said...

OMG!!! luks delicious, nice color and mouthwatering pedas...very tempting clicks...
u have a lovely space ...and good collection of recipes ..especially almond cake so yummy... if u find time do visit my blog..added u to my blogger friends list... very glad to follow ur blog

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