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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Aam Khand

Aam Khand is basically the same as Shrikhand, as we all know the only difference is Mango Pulp... I first tasted this when I was in school, a Gujarathi friend of mine (Dipti Pujara), used to bring Aam Khand as Chappathi's side for her lunch... I instantly became a fan of Aam Khand, later at college another Gujarathi friend of mine (Mona Ganatra) had brought Shrikhand after their New Year celebrations... I asked her for the recipe and ever since then I started making them for chappathi's but no one other than my lil brother likes Aam Khand...

For more Aam Khand pictures from my kitchen please visit My Other Blog


Yogurt - 1 1/2 cups
Ripe Mangoes - 1
Cardamom - 2 pods
Saffron - a few strands
Water - 2 tbsps
Sugar - 2-3 tbsps (optional)


Nuts - few
Saffron - a few strands


1. Wash, dry and peel Mangoes, deseed and make a puree without adding any water or milk.
2. In a dry cloth (Muslin/cheese cloth, I used Organic cotton towel) pour the Yogurt, tie and hang it allowing the water to drip. Time, depends on what Yogurt is used, I used Yogurt, (homemade) made from 1% Milk it took nearly 5 hrs for all the water to drain. Greek Yogurt is creamy and hence many prefer it for the taste.
3. Powder the Cardamom discarding the peels. Heat 2 tbsps of Water add the Saffrons, let it sit for a few mins.
4. Mix all the ingredients, if you are a sweet lover add Sugar and check for sweetness.
5. Top with Nuts and Saffrons, serve chill.

Note: I did strain the Yogurt since it was homemade.

Aam Khand goes to Eating with the Seasons hosted by Maninas

And to Refreshing Drinks - RD for Summer hosted by Chandrabhaga

The picture goes to Jugalbandi.


Pooja said...

simple and yummy post..nice click..

Chef Jeena said...

This looks and sounds gorgeous! I really will have to try this sometime because I love how it is made and I imagine the taste is amazing. Great recipe. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Ramya, thanks for visiting my blog. This recipe and all others on your space look delightful and fabulous. I am trying the Aam khand...cheers

Deepa Hari said...

Thank you Ramya for stopping by....You have a beautiful blog...Aam khand is absolutely delicious.....lovely clicks.

Yummy Undrallu...Enjoyed reading the post.

gtyuk said...

sounds delicious with mangoes, will try that next time:) nice richly saffroned delight !

FH said...

Gorgeous photo and lovely looking dessert. Love Mangoes in anything! :)

chef and her kitchen said...

Lovely photo..small confusion..Is aamkhand n amarakhand are the same??

Gita Jaishankar said...

This is one great dish I must try out soon, sounds and looks so delicious :)

Unknown said...

Looks divine! Lovely presentation Ramya..

Priya Sriram said...

Oh Ramya, I wanna learn a lot of tips from you for presentation... Thats a beautiful looking way of presentation! Looks just awesome! :)

Shama Nagarajan said...

ramya..lovely recipe and lovely click

Sangeetha said...

Hai i am new to this blog...
That's so lovely presentation and super click....looks yummy too.

Unknown said...

Seeing lots of mango recipes, carving for some right now. Beautiful colour..Shrikand looks good.

Christo Gonzales said...

another beautiful and unique preparation - Is this anything like a mango lassi

Dhanya Ganesh said...

Wow Rem's ,Aam Khand looks very yummy and easy to make.Nice click too.

sathya said...

Thie looks delicious, love mangoes.
such an easy n satisfiying dessert

sagari said...

delecious looking aamkand ramya ,and thaks for visiting my new blog

Madhavi said...

Yummmmmm entry, simple and delicious!!!!

Priya Suresh said...

Wow thats a gorgeous dessert, so beautiful!

Lavanya said...

nice clicks have very intresting blogs along with something diffrent than others n diff posts too..nice da..i will follow you from now onwards..i will not miss your posts :)

VineelaSiva said...

Wow nice recipe ramya and looks very delicious.

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

man...that's a gorgeous pic. i am stealing it. lol.

Pavithra Elangovan said...

Wow great pictures...Tempting me ramya

Ashwini said...

Thank You for visiting my blog. Aam Khand looks yummolicious.. Can't wait to try it. Yum Yum..Keep Visiting.

Varsha Vipins said...

Looks exotic my..what pics..Slurp Slurp..:)

Suparna said...

Hi Ramya,
Thanks so much for dropping by,hope to see u around more often :)
U have a lovely blog and nice recipe collection.
Aam Khad looks very delicious...nice pics.

Vegetarian Zest said...

Thanks for visiting my space, Ramya. I love shrikhand and chappati combo.Aam khand looks decadent.

Saritha said...

yummy goes will puri,my daughter fav,i buy amul srikand

Purva Desai said...

Simply love Mangoes in any form......I am drooling over Aamkhand.....pic is very authentic

Le @HC said...

Hi Ramya , the aamkhand looks delicious! I have never tried it with chapatti , though. i may like it since puri +aamras is one of my fav.

Savi-Ruchi said...

lovely snaps & am drooling over those aamkhand now :)

Parita said...

Aam Khand wow you got me Nostalgic :) long time since i last had it...will def make it, thanks for posting the recipe, love your presentation..

lubnakarim06 said...

Oh wow mango and yogurt.....yummy combo makes me drool...nice clicks...

Jaya M said...

aam Khand/aam shrikhand is my all time fav ...gorgeous pic makes me drool lol... I have to try it out ...
hugs and smiles

Vikis Kitchen said...

Aam khand looks so rich and delicious gleaming with nuts n saffron. I m sure the process is worth the result. I am eager to have it now for my chapathi:)

Cilantro said...

Who does not like mangoes, Delicious!!! Lovely click as well.

Vishali said...

Wonderful snaps and Aam Khand looks delish! Good one. Luv Mangoes

Pooja said...

Ramya you have something waiting at my blog..

Anonymous said...

Wow this looks delicious. I have never had Aam Khand before. Would love to try this out :)

Bong Mom said...

Love srikhand and can imagine aamkhand would be delicious. Never tried having with chapatis though
Beautiful pics

Anonymous said...

Hi Ramya,

Loved the yellow hues of the picture...Lovely preperation..

Warm regards,


Unknown said...

Very nice presentation.. looks so refreshing.. got to try this.. my hubby is a mango lover

Sharmila said...

Awesome looking aam khand! :-)
Reminds me to get some shrikhand asap. :-)

Sia said...

I love it with puffed poories. the Gujarathi rest near our place serves one of the best tasting aamkhand and i am bookmarking ur recipe to be tried soon :)

AnuSriram said...

Looks lovely! Gr8 click! Thanks for sending it to me for my event!

Malar Gandhi said...

Superb click ra. Very bright and inviting one!:) New recpe to me. I don't find any mangoes here!:(

chef and her kitchen said...

chk my blog dear, something is waiting for you!!

Vani said...

Aamkhand looks great! Loved the presentation

Priya Sriram said...

Hi Ramya, I have shared an award with you in my blog.. Pls accept it :)

Raaga said...

your pictures are so good. Makes me want to reach out and grab that bowl of shrikhand :)

Chitra said...

Lovely recipe dear,Suits this season well;)

Unknown said...

Raya,delicious recipe..and the pictures...really really superbbbbbbb...wr did u find the moram pa? ;)

jayasree said...

Looks divine and gorgeous. Great presentation.

Jaishree Iyer said...

Lovely recipe.. It is my fav..looks delicious Nice click ramya..

vidhas said...

looks yummy and inviting, awesome clikc Ramya.

Madhu's cooking gallery said...

Awesome dessert! You have a wonderful space here and lots of yummy recipes!

Rekha said...

Sounds so easy and healthy too...I am a gr8 fan of healthy desserts, thnks for sharing.

Jo said...

Hi Ramya, this looks great. BTW I'm not sure why you're not getting updates from my blog but you could try subscribing to RSS feeder instead.

Laavanya said...

I love that picture and it looks so delicious. I've heard so many good things about shrikand.. must give this a try.

kittymatti said...

As usual, u r sooo innovative with yr cooking! Looks yummy!!!

Rush said...

im trying this today...came here thru jugalbandi, ur pic was so tempting!!

bee said...

i love aam khand. thank you for sending it in for click.

Indian Khana said... yum....I all tempted to try..thanks for the entry

Me & More ... said...

Wow...I love this one...

Anisheetu said...

aam khand delicious.... i love it...

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